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How to Beat Jet Lag

As someone who takes many international trips each year and frequently crosses multiple time zones, I’ve developed a tried-and-true strategy for beating jet lag and quickly adjusting to my destination’s routine. Disclaimer: I’m not a health practitioner or doctor. These tips are based on my personal experience, so feel free to try what works best for you!

1. Be Rested Before the Trip

Get at least one day of solid rest before your trip. Pack a few days in advance to avoid last-minute stress, allowing time for exercise, recovery, and even some stretching before a long journey. Taking your vitamins and supplements beforehand can also help prepare your body for travel.

2. Plan Your Trip to Suit Your Sleep Patterns

Consider what works best for you. If you can sleep on overnight flights, a red-eye might be ideal. If not, opt for daytime travel. Personally, I only fly red-eye if I have a business-class seat, as sleeping in an economy seat doesn’t work well for me.

3. Upgrade When Possible

If the opportunity arises, upgrading your seat can make a world of difference. The added comfort and space really help make long-haul flights more bearable.

4. Stay Hydrated During the Flight

Keep yourself well-hydrated. Drink water consistently throughout the flight and consider bringing electrolytes to help combat dehydration caused by cabin pressure.

5. Start Adjusting During the Flight

Try adjusting your body’s internal clock to your destination time zone during the flight. Many airlines serve meals based on the destination’s local time, which can help you transition. Try eating and sleeping according to your arrival time.

6. Act as if You’re Already at Your Destination

Upon arrival, adopt your destination’s time zone as if you’ve been there all along. Avoid napping during the day, go to sleep at your usual time, and wake up at the standard time to establish a routine right away.

7. Use Supplements to Help Adjust

Melatonin is popular for sleep adjustment, but lately, I’ve been using magnesium powder, which helps me relax without making me feel drowsy. Find supplements that work for you to support a smoother transition.

8. Take a Warm Bath After the Flight

A warm bath can relax your muscles and soothe any stiffness from the flight. I tried this once and, while I can’t say it’s a cure-all, it definitely helped me feel more refreshed.

Final Thoughts

Jet lag doesn’t have to derail your travels. By following these steps, you can minimize its effects and jump into your new time zone feeling more balanced and prepared. Try experimenting with different routines to find what helps you adjust most effectively, and enjoy a smoother transition on your next international adventure!

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